And since I love milestones, I thought a group dedicated to Warhammer 40,000 should do something to acknowledge 40,000 hits on their website. At first, I thought, "Oh, the person that gets the 40,000 hit could win something cool if they take a screenshot of the milestone". Then I remembered that we gave away a shit ton of cool prizes at 40KEGGER 5, and we spent every penny in our operating budget on 40KEGGER 5, so nobody is getting anything for being the 40,000th nerd to check us out. Well, there goes that idea.
But still, 40,000 hits is kind of cool. We don't have any ambitions on being the next big Internet Sensation, but we take pride in the fact that people seem to like what we are doing. I mean, there are hundreds of gaming clubs/groups around the world, but there is only one 40kegger.
I know there are a bunch of other things I should be posting about. I've promised many people an army showcase of my Night Lords. Then there is all the shit about the new Eldar to discuss and my WIP shit for my Eldar. There is Beer League finals tomorrow night and maybe I should be getting some hype for that going on. There is lots to post about, and all these things will get some attention. But today, I just can't help but sit back and be happy about the last few years and the great little community we have established. For anyone that heard our interview on the 11th Company Podcast, you will recall that we used the word "culture" to represent our goals. Sure, we love throwing events, running a Beer League, and doing lots of nerd shit. But at the end of the day, it's the 40kegger culture that brings us together.
So, I dug through the 40kegger archives and pulled out some of my favorite posts. If you want to see what we do while we roll dice, have a look at these.
Thanks to everyone. Cheers, and we look forward to many more years of exciting nerd times.